by Charles Stripling
(Opelika, AL, U.S.A)
Home Decorators Collection
I would go with this.
Paint the walls a gold mustard hue. Paint the head and base boards an olive drab tone. Let dry.
Pry off head and base boards, and staple deep red fabric up as wall paper. Reattach head and base boards.
This next part you will have to judge by what you are decorating with . . . randomly take an exacto knife and cut an X into the fabric. When you fold the fabric back there should be enough room to hang a picture in the middle with two or three inches of the mustard wall showing as a border.
Use similar tones of mustard for the curtains and accents. I personally imagine this with dark mahogany or walnut wood in the room. Maybe a bamboo plant in water and a sleek platform bed. Very Asian-Contempo-modern.